
Still at school

If you are still at school but want to be a truck driver in the future, there is a special road transport programme for secondary school students called ShiftUp. However we still encourage those soon to be school leavers to get in touch with us to discuss future options.

Ready to start training

We have partnered with MITO to develop targeted tertiary qualifications for this traineeship. These are NZQA recognised and are called micro-credentials. They can stand alone, or you can do a number of micro-credentials to get higher qualifications.

These micro-credentials will provide you with the theory to match your hands-on learning and assist in the theory knowledge required for obtaining licenses from class 2-5

Introduction to Commercial Road Transport Micro-Credential

This micro-credential is designed to create a foundation of knowledge of the road freight industry. This will cover things such as vehicle systems, documentation, driver roles and customer service. This is a great entry point for people that are new to the industry, and a good refresher for those experienced but looking to progress.

Level 3 – 18 credits

Commercial Road Transport – Heavy Combination Vehicle Loading Fundamentals Micro-Credential

This micro-credential focuses on the skills around loading a truck and trailer. Covering areas such load positioning, load restraint, compliance, documentation, planning, safety, and unloading. As well as loading, fundamentals of heavy combination vehicle dynamics and handling will also be covered.

Level 3 – 8 credits

Commercial Road Transport – Driver Safety Micro-Credential

This micro-credential will teach trainees how to be a safe and healthy and driver. It will cover areas such fatigue, diet and hydration, drugs and alcohol, exercise, illness, injury and night-time driving.

Level 4 – 10 credits

Commercial Road Transport – Mass and Dimensions Micro-Credential

This micro-credential focuses on understanding using High Productivity Motor Vehicle (HPMV) permits. This will cover variables such as the difference between HMPV and 50MAX, dimension requirements, trailer configurations, axle weight flexibility, penalties and compliance, and route selection.

Level 3 – 6 credits

Taking a step further

New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Road Transport Skills (Level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Road Transport (Heavy Vehicle Operator) (Level 3)